Danske Hoteller are happy to begin cooperation with the company High Flying Bees, which consists of the partner couple René and Poul.



Sæsonen 2024 er skudt i gang for vores bistader rundt på vores 5 hoteller. Poul og René er i skrivende stund på vej rundt til alle bistader for at kigge til bierne.

Der er allerede kommet positive meldinger fra Dronninglund, hvor der er blevet tilføjet ekstra rammer, da familien er blevet rigtig stor.

På billederne ses lidt fra "maskinrummet" i Dronninglund, hvor man virkelig kan se alle de store bier, som er klar til at lave en masse lækker honning.

René Christensen

Born in 1980
Educated educator, with a penchant for travel, nature and yoga.
Has next to the educator the job, High Flying Bees, which deals with renting bees to companies that want to think greener and strengthen their CSR.

Poul Bach Sørensen

Born in 1964
With a background in agriculture, and educational background as a mechanical engineer, with an interest in nature and of course beekeeping, where he has found a refuge, a niche and a source of mindfulness. Poul runs the company Nordjysk biavlscenter Aps. in Hobro. 

The honey bees have a positive effect on several of the UN's and Denmark's world goals.

The honey bees ensure diversity in various plant communities as they account for the majority of pollination. The pollination of the world's crops ensures us all food on the table and we hope with our small hives to make a small difference to keep a population of bees in the process of pollination.

In addition, it is a great opportunity to offer our guests a freshly squeezed and not least tasty organic honey for breakfast at the selected hotels.

You will find the hives at these hotels:

The business High Flying Bees working from the following world goals.

If you want more information about You are welcome to contact the beehives Danske Hoteller info@danske-hoteller.dk 
If you want to read more about the 17 world goals, you can do so on the page here www.verdensmaal.org